A 19th Century Japanese six panel screen of Nara preparing for the Matsuri Wakakusa Yamigaki festival. This elegant bird’s eye view of the city of Nara in the Edo period depicts a scree of village life in preparation for the traditional rice festival. Dancing and drinking are on display and the excitement fills the air with anticipation. The Nara temple is the major sponsor of the activities. The temple is open to patronage and veneration. This festival celebrates the rice harvest for the city. Beautifully composed in gold clouds, the screen has a raised accent know as gofun to give it dimension. Each of the figures is remarkably rendered in fine detail. The painting is from the Tossa school with ink and mineral colors on paper. It is edged in blue woven fabric with green and gold dragons and flowers. Meiji period (1867-1912)Provenance: Pvt Piedmont CA Collection
Date: Edo Period early 19th C
Dimensions: 67.75″ H X 150″ long
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